Fire Rift
Rift is the best place to farm gear by a mile. This is my own personal team I use. As these are on rotation, this will only show the most current team.
The Team
This team will one-shot the boss with or without defense break at RC21. My recommended team is the first 4 members. Here are some important notes about the fight:
The boss doesn’t have speed, it simply takes a turn after one of your hero goes. This means speed is less relevant on heroes. However, turn order is very important: Hazel > Haste > Veronica > Kane.
The goal of the team is to give Kane as many turns as possible via skills and artifacts
Note that Mascot Hazel provides 10EFF to everyone so only 95EFF is needed on each unit
Mascot Hazel is the frontline tank and keeps the team healthy. You need 220ER on her to above having her skills reset by the boss. Idol’s Cheer helps to push up Kane whenever he hits her.
Kane is the main damage dealer and is built just for fire Rift. Alencinox’s Wrath gives him 15CC along with extra push whenever he procs his S2. With the extra S1 proc rune, he can essentially take 2 turns before any other hero. Rage or Destruction set work.
Haste is the best support here as he provides defense break along with multiple debuffs and decent damage. Candlestick enables him to S3 and S2 constantly for debuffs and damage.
Veronica is the secret sauce as she increases Kane’s damage with target debuff along with her S1 push. Her S3’s defense break also helps with consistency if your Kane’s gear isn’t as good as mine. Note her speed imprint when tuning the team.
Ken replaces Veronica with damage and defense break. He’s probably the better support before RC21. Defense break EE works best.
Serila replaces Veronica with secondary defense break and damage. She needs her defense break EE to work along with Bloody Rose for some extra team sustain.